Home > 1.Drom Association project > Team and contacts

Team and contacts

Drom is the result of collaboration between a team of employees and a volunteer board of directors.

The Board of Directors drives Drom’s activity project on the artistic and educational aspects. Multiple trainer artists intervene each year according to their specific skills and know-how.
The Drom activity project is implemented by a permanent team of 3 people assisted by occasional educational coordinators depending on the actions, under the aegis of an elected board of directors.
Drom also welcomes volunteers in civic service.

Catherine Bihan Loison
General coordination
catherine.bihan-loison drom-kba.eu
+33 (0)6 80 35 48 58

Clara Diez Marquez
Educational manager for training
clara.diez drom-kba.eu
+33 (0)7 88 97 21 08

Manon Riouat
Production, communication & training consultant
manon.riouat drom-kba.eu
+33 (0)6 77 45 34 91

For Kreiz Breizh Akademi :
Krismenn, art direction
Erwan Burban, pedagogical coordination

administration drom-kba.eu
09 65 16 71 21

The Board of Directors of the association is composed of 8 members
Zsofia Pesovàr: President
Laurent Clouet & Erik Marchand: vice-presidents
Ronan Pellen: Treasurer
Philippe Janvier: secretary
Florian Baron, Hoëla Barbedette, Olivier Catteau: administrators

Drom has been welcoming volunteers in civic service since 2017 in the following missions:
- participate in the organisation and promotion of the Noborder festival symposium.
- promote world popular music to young people.

Our head office was transferred to Brest in 2017 following a location in Lanrivain in the Côtes d’Armor since the creation of the association in 2001.
the head office :
Drom, c/o Le Quartz, 60 rue du Château, BP91039, 29210 Brest cedex1
Mailing address :
Drom, 24 rue Gasté, 29200 Brest

Drom, a non-profit association, is a training organisation registered #532 20831722
Siret 438 378 697 00025
Ape 9001Z / 8559A
License n°PLATESV-R-2020-004053

Association Drom

24 rue de Gasté
29200 Brest
09 65 16 71 21
contact drom-kba.eu

> Contacts

Remerciement photos : Eric Legret