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What is KBA ?

The particularity of Kreiz Breizh Akademi lies in the fact that it is based on the transmission of modal music interpreting rules (scale, rhythm, variation) and on Breton music.

The language used in the songs is Breton language in its local variants (like in “kan ha diskan” and “gwerzioù”).

The three main goals of the program are:
To teach musical techniques based on modal understanding; to develop skills around composition, improvisation, arrangement methods and orchestra playing; and to learn stage techniques.
KBA offers three-year courses including a 12-month training program followed by a 24-month support in professional practice through album production and concerts.

KBA members : from 12 to 18 musicians depending on the session.

To become a full member of Kreiz Breizh Akademi, candidates must first go through a selection process. We receive an average of 60 to 80 applications for 12 to 18 places.

Members were unemployed people, artists, employees such as music teachers, events professionals and workers in the cultural sector.
In order to be selected for the collective, candidates must show proven musical techniques, an ability to learn through oral transmission and have to commit to give priority to the project for nearly 3 years : 12 to 15 months of training follow up by 18 to 24 months of touring period.

Specific goals are set according to each profile:
To improve employability of the “new entrants” on the labour market. To contribute to the building of a clear professional identity. To strengthen the skills of the professional musicians. To enrich musical know-how and cultural knowledge. To master the legal and professional environment of the music sector.

Association Drom

24 rue de Gasté
29200 Brest
09 65 16 71 21
contact drom-kba.eu

> Contacts

Remerciement photos : Eric Legret